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DAY 10 - 1 minute. GOOOOO️ Its important you do the full minute today because guess what? Tomorrow is 1 1/2 minutes! Thank you for sharing your photo @adriennecibor You are a Queen Rock Star #plankingwithelizabeth #gracefulpilates #oneminuteplank #plankchallenge
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Hey, so I guess a week straight of planking gave me the courage to post a snap with my top off #selflove happening right here I have to say I struggled completing the minute plank yesterday. I did it, you guys helped me, because I just thought I have to push through it because I […]
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Kids, this is a turning point. One minute. Give it %! Get down! Get dirty! Get-it-done! GO️ #plank #plankchallenge #getitdone #GO #plankingwithelizabeth #gracefulpilates
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Resting your body is a good thing! #restore #bodyrest #plankchallenge #plankingwithelizabeth
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How is everyone doing with the #plankchallenge ? To #modify bring your knees down. Just make sure you are in a straight line from the top of your ponytail to the back of your knees. Keep elbows in close to the body. Hips forward. Ask me any questions you may have. We got this! Make […]
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Another little planking! Check out my website to view the whole month plank challenge. Otherwise just follow me here because I'll post ever day. Please share your plank photos! Give me feedback. Tell me how you're doing. Tag #plankingwithelizabeth Drop and give me 45 seconds!! Wherever you are, don't think , just DO. #plank #plankchallenge