So I wanted to have Honey Nut Cheerios before teaching Pilates this morning. Maybe I'm low on energy and wanted a quick sugar hit? Or maybe I just love sugary cereals? Anyhoo, I made a better choice and decided on a blended protein shake with a green apple added. Here's to making better choices xx #betterfoodchoices #feelgood #feelbetter #nosugar #gracefulpilates

So I wanted to have Honey Nut Cheerios before teaching Pilates this morning. Maybe I'm low on energy and wanted a quick sugar hit? Or maybe I just love sugary cereals? Anyhoo, I made a better choice and decided on a blended protein shake with a green apple added. Here's to making better choices xx #betterfoodchoices #feelgood #feelbetter #nosugar #gracefulpilates

So I wanted to have Honey Nut Cheerios before teaching Pilates this morning. Maybe I'm low on energy and wanted a quick sugar hit? Or maybe I just love sugary cereals? Anyhoo, I made a better choice and decided on a blended protein shake with a green apple added. Here's to making better choices xx #betterfoodchoices #feelgood #feelbetter #nosugar #gracefulpilates